Can we ever beat time, bias & of course the tumor ?

"Yes, as AI on boards powered by

Digital & Immersive technologies."

* 1 Tumor Board meeting cost is ~$200.

Annual cancer hospital’s cost is ~$1 Million.

But, outcomes can start from just $2.99

Just Experience..

"State of the art AI & digital tumor board software"

Beat the confusion
Beat the Time

Tumor board case preparation with fewer logistics using digital & AI technologies can save ~30 minutes.

Beat the Time
Beat the Bias

Collaboration with consensus by dash boards and workflow for better efficiency by 30%.

Beat the Tumor
Beat the Tumor

Amplified diagnosis and treatment decisions as AI augments Oncologists’ intelligence for 12% better outcomes.

Need for AI on-boarded digital tumor boards.

Beat the Time

80% of tumor board teams felt pressure of excessive case-loads, resource intensiveness, and not enough time to prepare and discuss more patients.

Beat the Time

75% of centers are ready for an efficient end-to-end collaborative workflow that enables coordinating, scheduling, preparing, presenting, and documenting information for MDTMs.

Beat the confusion

2/3 of cancer care physicians are looking for digital and AI technologies to  assist and amplify them for a seamless real-time decision-making process.

Dr.Ram, Dr. Saidayana Gynec-Ocology Tumor Boards

From 100% confusions to 100% conclusions

We need all of the information about a patient, all of the studies, all of the radiology and all of the lab tests present in one place to make accurate diagnosis and treatment decisions. Tumor Board software helps us to achieve this and can make informed decisions.

Ms.Mary, Nurse navigator Omega cancer center

From laborious logistics to awesome administration

I can prepare the cases for the tumor board presentation from unstructured cases data using Tumor Board - AI Onboard software.  Generate presentations about the patient cases and let Oncologists focus on case presentation. Care coordination and managing more cases with 50% less time is made possible.

Dr.Raghu, Dr.Sanjai Uro-Oncology Tumor Boards

From workflow obstacles to wonderful outcomes

Collaborations and workflows enable multidisciplinary team meetings to allow expert specialists and subspecialists and contribute to the cancer care demand. AI-powered ecosystems enable solutions for conclusions with certainty for optimal cancer care delivery with 10% better outcomes.

Dr.Ram, Radiation-Oncology Tumor Boards

From inattention to immersive experiences

We create online environments that are more immersive, experiential and interactive than what we have today providing a considerably higher sense of “being there” to collaborate and feel the power of 3D visualization, AI, AR/VR for effective and efficient decisions.